Peter Clarke

PC PAL Andover and Winchester

Peter Clarke is based in Andover and looks after both residential & business customer in Andover, Salisbury, Winchester & surrounding areas. Tel: 01264 931000 or 01962 921000 Email: [email protected]

Peter Clarke's Blog

Do You Still Use Windows Vista?

By Peter Clarke 7th November 2016 Microsoft, news 1847

Do you still use Windows Vista? Some of you may remember that in my May article I warned you that the time is approaching for Microsoft to end its support for Windows Vista – the official end of support is 11th April 2017. So what does this mean for you if you still use Windows…


Do You Have An HP printer? What Make Of Ink Do You Use?    

By Peter Clarke 10th October 2016 Tech News, Tips & How-to's 2374

Do You Have An HP printer? What Make Of Ink Do You Use? asks Peter Clarke of PC PAL Recently I have had a few calls from customers who use non HP ink in their HP printer.  Although this has worked well for them in the past they suddenly received error messages saying there is…


Beware Of Old Dogs With New Tricks

By Peter Clarke 6th September 2016 Tips & How-to's 2313

Beware Of Old Dogs With New Tricks warns Peter Clarke of PC PAL Last month I reminded you of the perils of out of the blue ‘support’ cold calls. Recently I have seen a new twist on the old problem. As you will recall, the problem arises when you receive a telephone call from ‘engineers’…


Beware Of Computer Support Cold Calls

By Peter Clarke 8th August 2016 Tips & How-to's 2536

Beware Of Computer Support Cold Calls warns Peter Clarke of PC PAL I am still seeing problems arise due to out of the blue ‘support’ cold calls and although I have successfully secured the PCs involved, prevention is better than cure! A typical call involves an unsolicited telephone call from ‘engineers’ purporting to be from…


Does your computer still look the same to you?

By Peter Clarke 11th July 2016 Tips & How-to's 2499

Does your computer still look the same to you? asks Peter Clarke of PC PAL I have had several calls in the last month from customers who have found that their browser (the way they access the internet) has changed ‘all by itself’. They also report that some things ‘look different’ on their computer and…


Have You Decided If You Want A Free Upgrade To Windows 10?

Have You Decided If You Want A Free Upgrade To Windows 10? asks Peter Clarke of PC PAL The Windows 10 upgrade has been available for free to Windows 7 and 8 users for nearly a year which means, if you haven’t already done so, you need to decide if you want to upgrade now. …


Is Your Computer Saving You Money?

By Peter Clarke 9th May 2016 Tips & How-to's 1830

Is Your Computer Saving You Money?                                                                                         asks Peter Clarke of PC PAL There are two very easy ways to use your computer to save you money: cashback sites and printing vouchers. One of the leading cashback sites is Once on the site search for the retailer you intend to…


Do You Still Use Windows Vista Or XP?

By Peter Clarke 11th April 2016 Microsoft, Tips & How-to's 2189

Do You Still Use Windows Vista Or XP? asks Peter Clarke of PC PAL If you use Windows Vista or Windows XP as your operating system and Chrome as your internet browser you may see a message which several of my customers are finding confusing. The message is warning you that Google no longer supports…


Are You Sitting Comfortably – But Is It In The Right Place?

By Peter Clarke 7th March 2016 Tips & How-to's 1828

Are You Sitting Comfortably – But Is It In The Right Place? asks Peter Clarke of PC PAL I have had a number of calls in the last month from customers who have their router in one room but actually want to use their computer in another room or even in a garden located office….


Don’t Become Complacent About Scammers!

By Peter Clarke 8th February 2016 PC PAL News, Tips & How-to's 3101

Don’t Become Complacent About Scammers! warns Peter Clarke of PC PAL We have all read the horror stories about trusting people being swindled by scammers and it is such a common threat that there have even been TV shows warning us of the dangers. This month I thought I’d update you on some of the…


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