Are You Sitting Comfortably - But Is It In The Right Place?
asks Peter Clarke of PC PAL
I have had a number of calls in the last month from customers who have their router in one room but actually want to use their computer in another room or even in a garden located office.
Don't despair, there are a number of potential solutions to this problem:
- Is your computer joined by a cable to the router? Did you know that it doesn't have to be - it can be made wireless which means you can move the computer away from the router
- It may be possible to move your router to another phone point which is in a more convenient place for you
- Maybe a wireless repeater would work for you. This is a solution that only involves a spare power socket in between the router and where you want to sit but this has the disadvantage of halving the wireless speed. The repeater relays the wireless signal from the computer to the router
- A Homeplug solution. One unit plugs into the mains near the router and effectively puts your broadband onto the mains wiring. You can plug other units into a wall socket wherever you need broadband or additional wireless signals. This allows you to connect a smart TV/Sky box/laptop/games console anywhere in the house (wirelessly or wired) to the internet
If you need some help with this or want to discuss it further don’t hesitate to call me.