Peter Clarke

PC PAL Andover and Winchester

Peter Clarke is based in Andover and looks after both residential & business customer in Andover, Salisbury, Winchester & surrounding areas. Tel: 01264 931000 or 01962 921000 Email: [email protected]

Peter Clarke's Blog

Do you still use Internet Explorer or Windows 8?

By Peter Clarke 11th January 2016 Tips & How-to's 1797
Do you still use Internet Explorer or Windows 8?

Do you still use Internet Explorer or Windows 8? asks Peter Clarke of PC PAL Browsers are programs that allow you to search the internet and there are an increasing number of browsers available for your use.  You probably use one of the most common browsers: Internet Explorer (IE) or Chrome and with increasing use…


Do You Know How To Deal With The Top 3 Common Online Threats?

By Peter Clarke 12th October 2015 Tips & How-to's 1879
Do You Know How To Deal With The Top 3 Common Online Threats?

Do You Know How To Deal With The Top 3 Common Online Threats? asks Peter Clarke of PC PAL Several of my customers have fallen fowl of the 3 most common online threats: ransomware, spyware and phishing.  So, what are these evil things? Ransomware: if you visit an infected website the attackers can lock you…


Upgraded To Windows 10 – Which Is The Best Browser?

By Peter Clarke 7th September 2015 Tech News 1971

Upgraded To Windows 10 – Which Is The Best Browser? asks Peter Clarke of PC PAL Several of my customers have asked me to upgrade them to Windows 10 or asked me to correct issues after they have tried to upgrade themselves.  The next question they face is: once you have Windows 10 which is…


Are You Upgrading To Windows 10?

By Peter Clarke 10th August 2015 Microsoft, Tech News 2278

Are You Upgrading To Windows 10? asks Peter Clarke of PC PAL The Windows 10 upgrade is now available and some of my customers have decided to take the plunge: some have upgraded with success and some have asked me to restore Windows to their previous version. So what are the things to look out…


Is Your Computer Asking You About Windows 10?

By Peter Clarke 13th July 2015 Microsoft, Tech News 2401
Is Your Computer Asking You About Windows 10?

Is Your Computer Asking You About Windows 10?                                                           asks Peter Clarke of PC PAL Recently I have had enquiries from a few confused customers asking about a new icon that has appeared on their computer offering free Windows 10 – many think it may be a scam or Malware. For once, this is a genuine…


Helping Your Heirs To Access Your Digital Assets

By Peter Clarke 5th June 2015 Tips & How-to's 2485
Helping Your Heirs To Access Your Digital Assets

Helping Your Heirs To Access Your Digital Assets by Peter Clarke of PC PAL We are all told to password protect our computers and every digital account we set up, but what happens when a person dies? Do you know the password to all your loved ones’ computers and accounts – do they know yours?…


Do You Know How To Access Digital Assets After A Bereavement?

By Peter Clarke 20th May 2015 Tips & How-to's 2628
Do You Know How To Access Digital Assets After A Bereavement?

Do You Know How To Access Digital Assets After A Bereavement? asks Peter Clarke of PC PAL Have you ever stopped to think about your digital legacy? – anything from photos stored on a computer or in the cloud to eBooks, iTunes music and ‘memories’ on social media like Facebook, Instagram or WhatsApp. No-one likes…


Watch Out For Email Scams Phishing For Your Details

By Peter Clarke 15th April 2015 Tips & How-to's 2324
Watch Out For Email Scams Phishing For Your Details

Watch Out For Email Scams Phishing For Your Details warns Peter Clarke of PC PAL Many of my customers have asked me about seemingly innocent emails requiring them to click links to update their details. Think twice before doing anything – a recent Which? article warned of the most common email scams following a survey…


Fishy Follow Up To PUPs – Adware Isn’t Always Down To You

By Peter Clarke 5th March 2015 Tips & How-to's 2308
Fishy Follow Up To PUPs – Adware Isn’t Always Down To You

Fishy Follow Up To PUPs – Adware Isn’t Always Down To You advises Peter Clarke of PC PAL In my January article I reported on the increased number of calls I was receiving for a problem I’ve written about previously – PUPs (Potentially Unwanted Programs). Several of my customers have asked me to solve issues…


Anyone get PUPs for Christmas?

By Peter Clarke 12th January 2015 PC PAL News, Tips & How-to's 2983

Anyone get PUPs for Christmas? asks Peter Clarke of PC PAL For the past month or so I have seen an increase in the number of calls for a problem I’ve written about previously – PUPs (Potentially Unwanted Programs). Several of my customers have asked me to solve issues such as a sudden slowing of…


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