Dave Pinwell

Dave Pinwell

Dave Pinwell is a prolific blogger and IT enthusiast and has kindly allowed us to reproduce his popular weekly IT Talk column first published in the Solihull News. Dave is also CEO of Colebridge Trust and SUSTAiN which play a key role in providing strategic support to Solihull’s Voluntary & Community sector. Dave has extensive experience in the IT sector, with roles including IT Director with Fujitsu Telecommunications Europe Ltd.
Google, Tech News 27th January 2015 1944

Glass Is Half-Empty After Google Move

The same pundits who – a few weeks ago – were heralding 2015 as the year in which Google Glass would finally see a full launch are now questioning whether the product will ever have the light of day pass through it again.

One has even put it on the same list of hi-tech failures as Betamax and the Sinclair C5!

Google’s announcement last week that it “would stop producing Google Glass in its current form but remained committed to the development of the product” sounded like a death knell to many.

Certainly, the widespread scorn with which the hi-tech specs are viewed means that any re-emergence of the technology would need radically different packaging.

However, in a snap poll run in the past week, only about 10 per cent of respondents in the UK thought Google Glass had any future.

In a marketplace full of people keen to try new stuff, there has been widespread rejection of the product because of privacy concerns.

Besides the unfashionable look, folk feared that they would never know when a wearer was just looking at them or was filming them.

In the US, where it had been estimated that about a quarter-of-a-million people had joined Google’s Glass Explorer programmer and were wearing pre-production models, they had already- for obvious reasons- been banned from quite a number of cinemas, casinos, hospitals and banks.

The thing is, though, as technology gets more miniaturised and more capable, these issues are probably the tip of the iceberg.

With Google Glass you could see that someone was wearing a potentially intrusive device.

There is a wearable kit around that can film and record without detection.

Dave Pinwell

Dave Pinwell is a prolific blogger and IT enthusiast and has kindly allowed us to reproduce his popular weekly IT Talk column first published in the Solihull News. Dave is also CEO of Colebridge Trust and SUSTAiN which play a key role in providing strategic support to Solihull’s Voluntary & Community sector. Dave has extensive experience in the IT sector, with roles including IT Director with Fujitsu Telecommunications Europe Ltd.

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