Dave Pinwell

Dave Pinwell

Dave Pinwell is a prolific blogger and IT enthusiast and has kindly allowed us to reproduce his popular weekly IT Talk column first published in the Solihull News. Dave is also CEO of Colebridge Trust and SUSTAiN which play a key role in providing strategic support to Solihull’s Voluntary & Community sector. Dave has extensive experience in the IT sector, with roles including IT Director with Fujitsu Telecommunications Europe Ltd.
Tech News 24th September 2015 1902

Take A Dip Into Projector Pool

One of the most rapidly developing markets in the IT world is that for projectors.
Out of the old ‘overhead lanterns,’ ubiquitous for ‘death by PowerPoint’ in the meeting and training rooms of business, had come an increasingly popular product for the home. If you have yet to catch up with the trend, you may be surprised to find that some folks prefer these to hanging a whopping great telly on the wall, when it comes to enjoying home cinema.
The projector has come a long way in image quality, features and reliability in recent years.
Also, of course, it can be packed away when the credits roll.
Pictures can be hung back on walls used as screens.
Prices have tumbled and a full HD resolution projector, replete with built-in speakers, wifi and remote control can be purchased for well under a grand. For example, one such model, which has been getting good reviews, is the BenQ W1080ST+, available on the net for as little as £650.
Tight space is no problem. This beastie can give you 100-inch home cinema from a distance of under five feet. Decent, lower resolution models kick in from a little over £200.
The Asus S1, for instance, gives a 41 – inch display from a distance of one metre.
With both wifi and a battery, it can project a three hour film with completely wire free operation.
These are just two of a host of models jockeying for position in a rapidly expanding field.
If you fancy having portable large screen viewing that can be moved from lounge to bedroom in minutes, it is a pool worth dipping into.

Dave Pinwell

Dave Pinwell is a prolific blogger and IT enthusiast and has kindly allowed us to reproduce his popular weekly IT Talk column first published in the Solihull News. Dave is also CEO of Colebridge Trust and SUSTAiN which play a key role in providing strategic support to Solihull’s Voluntary & Community sector. Dave has extensive experience in the IT sector, with roles including IT Director with Fujitsu Telecommunications Europe Ltd.

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