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Apple, Tech News, Tips & How-to's 30th April 2014 2493

Apps that Transform your Life

It’s no secret that life is complicated. Despite all the new gadgets and gizmos available, there are still the day-to-day trials and tribulations to get through. These can be even harder if you have an extra element to consider.

Hearing loss can obviously be a real problem when carrying out tasks that others might take completely for granted – but consulting a professional for advice and getting a hearing aid fitted can make a substantial difference to quality of life. A useful starting point is Hidden Hearing.

Aside from finding an aid for hearing loss, it’s certainly worth downloading some top-rated apps to take the pressure off. Hearing Link is a great place to find some suggestions to get started with app suggestions from one of their volunteers. These are great for anyone and everyone and before long you’ll wonder how you coped without them.

TapTap works through vibration. To alert you to nearby sounds, it vibrates and the screen flashes which is a great aid for those who suffer from hearing loss. Say your home phone is ringing or there’s a knock at the door, the app will react, acting as your ears – pretty cool huh?

Another great one is Mint. I don’t quite get the link between the app name and its purpose, but let’s not get caught up in details. As a most basic description, Mint organises, tracks and categorises your finances helping to keep your spending in check! But this isn’t just good for saving-purposes, it’s great for long term saving goals and debt repayment – with bill reminder alerts to ensure you don’t get caught out with late fees! One less thing to think about…

Google Translate is all about the ease. It acts as a personal translator, which, whether you’re deaf, hard of hearing or neither, is always going to be a useful addition to your app collection. If you want to gas away to someone in a different country or a long-lost penfriend, the last thing you need is a communication barrier.

While Google Translate does a pretty good job of translating your spoken word, or typed text into another language, (which is then spoken out loud to the recipient), it could be used in another way. A great way to utilise this app for your own needs if having difficulty getting something across would be to place translation on English, type what you want to say and have it relayed to the person you’re speaking to – great idea!

There really are endless apps available to help with just about everything, but if you ask me, these are a pretty good start. If you wanted to do a bit more research or find out what would benefit you most, it might be an idea to check out this great article from Esquire magazine, which suggested the 50 best apps for 2014.

This is a guest article from Debbie Fletcher, who is an enthusiastic, experienced writer who has written for a range of difference magazines and news publications.


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