With most attacks and Trojans aimed at Google’s Android and Microsoft’s Windows, Apple Mac and iPhone users may think there are no threats out there that affect them.
But recently with more and more people now owning Apple products some attacks are just targeting Apple products.
An issue has been found with a part of iOS and Mac OS X that if someone was to send you a text message that contained a certain string of Arabic text, then it will crash the Messages app and Safari on iPhones/iPads and could require a complete reinstallation of iOS.
In Mac OS X it can crash the Messages app, Safari and Chrome to name just a few programs, but you wouldn’t be required to reload Mac OS X.
Apple are aware of the problem but there a currently no updates to fix the problem yet. The next major versions of iOS (iOS7) and Mac OS X (10.9/ Mavericks) are not affected by this problem but are still some way from release. So in the meantime be wary if clicking links in messages from unknown sources.