Peter Clarke

PC PAL Andover and Winchester

Peter Clarke is based in Andover and looks after both residential & business customer in Andover, Salisbury, Winchester & surrounding areas. Tel: 01264 931000 or 01962 921000 Email: [email protected]
Tablets, Tips & How-to's 1st June 2013 1909


Considering a new tablet, laptop or all-in-one PC? - Asks Peter Clarke of PC PAL

I have had several customers who want to replace an old computer but are unsure of what to buy; there are so many choices with new technology.  The first question you should ask yourself is, what will I use my new device for and where will I use it?

Tablets are often used more for entertainment than tasks that involve much writing.  They are:

  • Light to carry around with you
  • Very quick to turn on
  • Great for quick internet browsing
  • Not easy for typing more than the odd email (although some allow you to add an external keyboard)
  • Use Apps rather than full programs
  • Only some have USB ports

Laptops are extremely versatile and can be used for entertainment and working on. They are:

  • Various sizes and, therefore, weights but smaller than a desktop and extremely portable
  • Excellent for writing emails or filling in forms for your online shopping
  • Usually have much better storage capacity than tablets
  • Run full programs rather than apps, which have limited functionality
  • Slower than a tablet to turn on

All-in-one computers are the new trend.  They have everything in the monitor – it’s just a screen, keyboard and mouse.  They are very stylish but harder to upgrade than a conventional desktop computer.  Key points are:

  • A large screen is why many people consider this device – it’s better for watching films and TV
  • Great for graphics and photo editing
  • Excellent storage capacity, although other options such as an external hard drive are an option for increasing storage space
  • Takes up a lot of room and is not portable

Once a choice has been made I’ll be happy to help connect your new device to your router and transfer files from your old device etc.

Happy shopping!

Peter Clarke

Peter Clarke is based in Andover and looks after both residential & business customer in Andover, Salisbury, Winchester & surrounding areas.

Tel: 01264 931000 or 01962 921000
Email: [email protected]

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