Peter Clarke

PC PAL Andover and Winchester

Peter Clarke is based in Andover and looks after both residential & business customer in Andover, Salisbury, Winchester & surrounding areas. Tel: 01264 931000 or 01962 921000 Email: [email protected]
Online Security, Tips & How-to's 1st October 2012 1903

Fed up with unwanted adverts online? asks Peter Clarke of PC PAL

Do you get annoyed and fed up of seeing advert after advert on your favourite websites? ...................We have the solution!

Adblock Plus is a simple program that allows you to block adverts from various web pages.  It was announced as the most popular add-on for Mozilla Firefox and is used by 13.5 million users on a daily basis   It is available for all popular internet browsers such as Firefox and Internet Explorer. Mozilla claims that users “love it, because it gives them control of how they view the web”.

We need to consider that advertisements are often a critical source of revenue to keep certain websites afloat, by aiding their running and staff costs. However, it is widely acknowledged that advertisements can be very annoying (especially Flash adverts and full background images). PC PAL believe that education is key to making an informed decision on whether you want to start blocking website advertising.

To start blocking adverts you simply install a FREE add-on, restart your browser and you can be safe in the knowledge that you will no longer be bombarded with advertising.

The add-on incorporates the following features:

  • Whitelisting – for when you want to see adverts on some websites, such as watching ITV Player, 4OD and Demand 5.
  • Support for blocking background images
  • The ability to hide ads on a per site basis instead of globally

Adblock Plus for all major browsers:

Visit PC PALfor the solution, simply type the following into your browser and scroll down to the relevant article:

I hope this helps you to enjoy your web experience.

If you want to take advantage of this type of knowledge for yourself or a loved one this Christmas why not give the gift of security and computer knowledge with a PC PAL voucher.



Peter Clarke

Peter Clarke is based in Andover and looks after both residential & business customer in Andover, Salisbury, Winchester & surrounding areas.

Tel: 01264 931000 or 01962 921000
Email: [email protected]

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