PC PAL is the UK's award winning Computer, Laptop, Mac & Smartphone support specialists, with experienced, qualified & local Computer Engineers based in your area. We are a name that local people have come to recognise and trust. Please take a moment to read our feedback from our loyal customers, or find your local PC PAL Engineer.

It may sound like an obvious one, you may have to do it at work on a regular basis, but how often do you change you personal login details? Here are a few tips to think about and also to guide you:

  • Firstly, try to get into the habit of changing you passwords on a regular basis - Monthly would be ideal. Make sure this includes your online banking details, social media accounts, household bills accounts, Paypal and anything else that holds your personal information.
  • If possible try not to have the same password for all your accounts - try to split them up a bit. The worry is that if one account got hacked (say your email) and you had the same password for another (your Facebook account) both accounts will be compromised.
  • Dont use personal data - date of births, phone numbers, etc. The thing to realise is that people who want to hack into your accounts will try your personal data first.
  • Get creative with your password! You can pick the simplest of words and make it into a strong and secure password. Here is an example:

password1 (a basic one, that we would never recommend anyone use!)

And below, are 3 variations:

  1. Pa5Sword1 (this contains capital letters and the number 5)
  2. pa$%WORD?1 (combining  numbers, capitials and other symbols)
  3. p&55word@on£ (as above, swapping letter for numbers, adding in various symbols and this time, typing the word one with a pound sign)
  • Try not to use the password "remember" features. We know it makes things convenient but many people in the industry say they aren't safe. It only takes a couple of seconds to log into a website and could save you a lot of unnecessary worry.
  • Any website that you have to log in to.....always make sure you log out before you leave!


PC PAL is the UK's award winning Computer, Laptop, Mac & Smartphone support specialists, with experienced, qualified & local Computer Engineers based in your area. We are a name that local people have come to recognise and trust.

Please take a moment to read our feedback from our loyal customers, or find your local PC PAL Engineer.

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