Peter Clarke

PC PAL Andover and Winchester

Peter Clarke is based in Andover and looks after both residential & business customer in Andover, Salisbury, Winchester & surrounding areas. Tel: 01264 931000 or 01962 921000 Email: [email protected]
Tips & How-to's 24th May 2012 1944

When asked what people most fear when their computer dies the answer is usually losing their photos.

With the digital age well and truly upon us most photos are only kept in one place; the computer.  So how do we protect from this potential threat (and it’s not just your photos!)?  The answer is a simple one – backup your system adequately on a regular basis.

What options are open to us to achieve this peace of mind?

  • DVD – You could simply choose to copy your files onto a DVD.  This is a simple process but requires you to choose the appropriate files and remember to do it!  You may also need many DVDs depending on how much data you need to copy.
  • USB drive – This involves attaching a USB drive and copying your files to it.  This can be achieved using the software that comes with the USB drive and setting it up so  you can schedule the backup to happen automatically – no more having to remember to backup new photos and files!
  • Web based (eg Cloud) – uploading your information to the internet on an encrypted i.e. very secure site.  This type of backup is done in the background automatically and will happen every time you change a file or add a photo to your computer.  It has the added bonus that if your PC and back up device are both stolen then your photos and other files are still safely waiting for you to access them.

So what is right for you?  There are pros and cons of all types of backup and a combination is always a good idea; a personalised backup plan for your situation is probably best.

If you have questions regarding this or any other computer issue then contact your local PC  PAL Engineer on or visit

Written by Peter Clarke, PC PAL Andover

Peter Clarke

Peter Clarke is based in Andover and looks after both residential & business customer in Andover, Salisbury, Winchester & surrounding areas.

Tel: 01264 931000 or 01962 921000
Email: [email protected]

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