I have visited a few customers recently who have known that they have had a virus for some time but have not considered it worth taking action. They have considered the virus to be nothing more than an irritation, a little like catching a common cold. So why would anyone bother to remove a virus or go to the expense of calling a professional?
Having a virus on your computer is the equivalent of having an electronic break in. A virus can monitor all of your key strokes and send it back to the virus writer. So if you type a password to get into something like Amazon, then that password is captured. All of the information on your hard drive is at risk and if you type a credit card into a website then you can consider that to have also been captured. You might even find that your email has been read including the email about your flight details for your holiday, inadvertently telling a criminal that your house is empty.
The BBC conducted an experiment and this is a video that is worth watching!
Keep safe out there! Call a PC PAL engineer out as soon as you get a virus and we can prevent anything untoward happening.