Social Media
- 245711th November 2016Success Making WhatsApp Target For Scam OffersSuccess Making WhatsApp Target For Scam Offers A barrage of hooky offers, purporting to come from leading shops and supermarkets have shown that WhatsApp, the increasingly popular social media app, is rapidly becoming one of the more fiery battlegrounds in the war with hacke... Read More
- 210128th February 2014Mark’s on a global missionMark's on a global mission Mark Zuckerberg and Facebook have been making the industry headlines in the past week or so. Firstly, they splashed out and eye watering $19 billion for WhatsApp and then the cover talked global domination at this years Mobile World Congress in Bar... Read More
- 247010th August 2012Pinterest opens website up to everyonePinterest, the image-based social network has opened its website up to all, relaxing their previous sign-up policy. Prospective users required an invite to become members. Pinterest lets you organize and share all the beautiful things you find on the web. People use pinboar... Read More
- 235714th May 2012PC PAL tip of the week – social network protectionMany of us love to pop onto Facebook and Twitter to tell our friends and family little snippets of our lives. But (there is always a but) how well do you protect yourself from online criminals and fraudsters? Here is some advice on how to stay secure whilst tweeting and poki... Read More
- 219320th March 2012Free mobile apps ‘drain battery faster’Free mobile apps which use third-party services to display advertising consume considerably more battery life, a new study suggests. Researchers used a special tool to monitor energy use by several apps on Android and Windows Phone handsets. Findings suggested that in one ca... Read More
- 1432730th September 2016PC PAL Customer September 2016 Newsletter | How To Fine The Best Holiday Deals