If you thought importing photos from your iPhone was a nightmare, we have the answer! We've found an awsome technique - see how below:
To import photos from your iPhone on to your PC follow these 3 special steps
Step 1: Just connect your iPhone to the computer, without iTunes running. A box appears asking what to do.
Choose view content.
Navigate through the folders that appear.
Step 2: If the above doesn't work, try to disable auto-sync in iTunes.
In iTunes go to: Edit->Preferences->Syncing->Check "Disable automatic syncing for all iPhones and iPods" and click OK.
Disconnect the iPhone.
Go to Step 1.
Step 3: If you believe all hope is gone, and are thinking about buying a Mac, try this:
Disconnect the iPhone.
Go to the Control Panel in the Start Menu.
Double click "AutoPlay".
Find the heading "Devices". Your iPhone should be there.
Select "Open device to view files using Windows Explorer" from the drop down.
Click "Save".
Go to Step 1.
To import photos from your iPhone on to your Apple Mac follow these 3 special steps:
Step 1: Plug in iPhone.
Step 2: Open Image Capture in the Applications folder.
Step 3: There is no step 3 you should now be importing your photos!