John Savage

John Savage's Blog

Is Your Wireless Router Secure?

By John Savage 6th November 2014 Tips & How-to's 2124
Is Your Wireless Router Secure?

Is Your Wireless Router Secure? It never cease to be amazed at the amount of people I carry out computer repairs for who have unsecured wireless routers and more worryingly are unaware of it. It is essential that wireless routers are secure, which means that your network can only be accessed by someone who has…


Beware Trojans Bearing Malware!

By John Savage 6th November 2014 Tech News, Tips & How-to's 1965

Beware Trojans Bearing Malware! With Christmas coming up and computer products high on the list of presents, it is perhaps worth remembering some of the problems now associated with the digital age. John Savage from PC Pal gives us the low down . . . Computer viruses and scams There are many different varieties of…


PC PAL Bristol East completes 24 hour bike marathon

By John Savage 16th July 2012 PC PAL News 2372

John Savage, our local PC PAL Engineer for the Bristol East and Bath areas, completed his 24 hour bike marathon on 7th July 2012, coming in at a very impressive 12th place! John has been keeping us up to date on the event as well as his training for the event over the past few months, telling us about…


Bristol East and Bath PC PAL Engineer to do 24-hour charity bike ride

By John Savage 4th April 2012 PC PAL News 3523
Bristol East and Bath PC PAL Engineer to do 24-hour charity bike ride

Our very own PC PAL Engineer John Savage, who covers the Bristol East and Bath region for PC PAL, is taking part in a 24-hour sponsored race for the charity ‘Jamie’s Farm’ on 7th July 2012. The whole PC PAL team will be supporting him all the way and encouraging everyone to sponsor John for this tough and challenging task. Here is what John has…


A Very Grim Challenge!

By John Savage 18th May 2010 PC PAL News 2143

It’s now less than 6 months to the Grim Challenge Duathlon After a call for volunteers from Steve Lane the Leicester South franchisee only I accepted, not even three needed to form a team, a poor show from the other PC PAL’s!! So it’s just Steve and me entered as individuals who will take on…


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