PC PAL Scoops Prestigious National Award

PC PAL has been celebrating after winning a coveted technology industry award in London last week.

Now in its sixth year, the PCR Awards celebrate the successes of the entire UK computer retail industry – from big name retailers such as PC World, John Lewis and Amazon, blue chip hardware and software providers such as Apple, Microsoft and Samsung through to smaller independent traders.

PC PAL was chosen from a line-up of 5 other national players in the Service and Support category, by a panel of some 100+ leading and influential computing/technology executives. The awards, held at the prestigious Royal Garden Hotel in Kensington and attended by nearly 400 people, were hosted by comedian and actor Terry Alderton.

Judging criteria included product knowledge, customer satisfaction, success rate and marketing activity. PC PAL had been nominated 3 times previously in this category before scooping the prize this time.

“I’m so proud that PC PAL has been recognised by this award,” said Managing Director Jat Mann. “The foundation of the company, which was the inspiration behind it, has always been about providing exceptional customer service which underpins the ethos of our entire network. All our franchisees are trained and qualified to the highest standards as well as taking the greatest pleasure from helping customers with their computer problems. It’s what we do and we love it!”

“We would like to thank not only our hardworking team of engineers for their dedication but also our loyal base of many thousands of customers across the UK and Ireland who have supported us over the years by continuing to come back to us time and time again, as well as referring us to family and friends. We will continually strive to provide them the best possible service offered in our industry.”

Winners of Theo Paphitis Award

theo-paphitisPC PAL is proud to announce that we are the winners of Small Business Sunday award by Theo Paphitis of TV’s Dragonʼs Den fame.

In December 2012, Jat Mann, founder and Managing Director of PC PAL, tweeted Theo about his business during ‘Small Business Sunday’, an initiative set up by Theo that runs weekly. Theo chose is favourite businesses and announce who he likes to his followers.

Theo retweeted Jat’s message to his 300,000+ followers and as a result, the business (www.pcpal.co.uk) has seen a surge in more followers and extra demand for their Computer Support services. They are also profiled on a new website (www.theopaphitissbs.com) that is exclusive to Small Business Sunday winners.

Jat Mann said, “We’ve been working hard for many years in business by provide friendly, reliable and professional computer support across the UK It is great to have support from Theo because it’s been tough trying to raise our profile and Theo has recognised our hard work and helped spread the word about what we do to his following.”

Anyone looking for a retweet from Theo should tweet him about their business on Sunday between 5 PM and 7.30 PM and include the hashtag #SBS. Six lucky businesses are retweeted every Monday at 8 PM and then invited to enter their profile on the new
website. This is done free of charge and the new website is sponsored by Ryman Stationery, where Theo is Chairman.

Please visit our profile page on the Theo’s official Small Business Sunday website for more info.